Session Details

[2AS-02]【J】Genome Engineering with BioDX

Thu. Nov 28, 2024 9:00 AM - 11:15 AM JST
Thu. Nov 28, 2024 12:00 AM - 2:15 AM UTC
Room 2(Fukuoka International Congress Center, 5F 502+503)
Organizer: Kazuki Nakamae (Hiroshima University), Hidemasa Bono (Hiroshima University)
Co-hosted by: the Center of Innovation for Bio-Digital Transformation (BioDX), COI-NEXT, JST
Digital Transformation (DX) in life sciences, named Bio-DX, drives big data use and automation. Furthermore, genome engineering and long-read sequencing with the Bio-DX can reshape the research environment for molecular biology. However, Bio-DX knowledge remains limited in the research community. This symposium shares insights into Bio-DX through the talks by the pioneers, fostering knowledge and innovation with the utilization of Bio-DX.


[2AS-02-01]On Any Sunday? Facilitating rapid tuning of bioengineering tools and devices.

○Daisuke Umeno1, Yuki Kimura1, Yukina Ishikawa1, Haruka Sato1, Yoshiki Takemura1, Satoshi Hasegawa1 (1. Waseda University)

[2AS-02-02]Introduction of IMAT fundamental research center; case study of contamination analysis in open culture of microalgae using long read sequencing

○Junpei Nomura1, Rong Yu1, Tetsushi Komoto1, Shota Tokai1, Zilin Xiong1 (1. Institute of Microalgal Technology, Japan)

[2AS-02-03]High-quality genome sequences and gene annotation contribute to veterinary medicine.

○Mika Sakamoto1, Yasukazu Nakamura1 (1. NIG)

[2AS-02-04]Innovations in Genome Analysis and Applications to Data-Driven Breeding

○Misako Imai Takemoto1,2 (1. Genome Editing Innovation Cent., Hiroshima Univ., 2. R&D Dept., PtBio Inc.)

[2AS-02-05]The Potential of Bio-DX in the Field of Experimental Animal Science

○Akihiro Kuno1 (1. University of Tsukuba)

[2AS-02-06(2P-010)]Automating DNA Design Using Conversational AI

○Hideto Mori1 (1. Osaka Univ.)

[2AS-02-07(2P-011)]Gene prediction and functional annotation for de novo genome assembly using BRAKER3 and Fanflow4Insects

○Kouhei Toga1,2, Bono Hidemasa1,2 (1. Hiroshima Univ., 2. Grad.Sch. of Inte. Sci. for Life, Hiroshima Univ.)