Presentation Information

[XOPT2-01]Development of Nano-focus Capability and Applications at the XPP instrument at LCLS

*Takahiro Sato1,2, Ichiro Inoue2, Matthew Seaberg1, Yanwen Sun1,2, Diling Zhu1,2, Boyang Zhao3, Youngjun Ahna3, Meredith Henstridge1, Matthias Hoffmann1, Selene She1, Alex Halavanau1, River Robles1, David Ceaser1, Agostino Marinelli1, Haidan Wen3, Yasuhisa Sano4,2, Kazuto Yamauchi4,2, Makina Yabashi2,5, Jumpei Yamada4,2 (1. Linac Coherent Light Source, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2. RIKEN SPring-8 Center, RIKEN, 3. Argonne National Laboratory, 4. Graduate school of Engineering, Osaka University, 5. Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)