Session Details

Optical frequency comb and narrow linewidth lasers

Wed. Apr 23, 2025 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM JST
Wed. Apr 23, 2025 5:30 AM - 7:00 AM UTC
303 (Conference Center)

[ALPS-D5-01(Invited)]Phase modulation and demodulation for high power single frequency lasers

*Yan Feng1 (1. Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)

[ALPS-D5-02(Invited)]D1-Ian R Coddington

*Ian R Coddington1 (1. NIST, USA)

[ALPS-D5-03]Simulation of Narrow Linewidth 980 nm Distributed Feedback and Distributed Bragg Reflector Lasers with Surface Gratings

*Ada Lona Dumitrescu1 (1. KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

[ALPS-D5-04]Development of a Blue Laser Diode Power Build up Cavity in Excess of 100W Intracavity Power for Raman Trace Gas Analysis

*Yuji Ichikawa1, Ippei Asahi1, Tatsuo Shiina2, Shigeru Yamaguchi3 (1. Shikoku Research Institute, 2. Chiba University, 3. Tokai University)