Session Details
Computational Imaging
Wed. Apr 23, 2025 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM JST
Wed. Apr 23, 2025 4:30 AM - 6:30 AM UTC
Wed. Apr 23, 2025 4:30 AM - 6:30 AM UTC
419 (Conference Center)
[BISC2-01]Feature-domain phase retrieval for high-fidelity computational microscopy
*Shuhe Zhang1, Liangcai Cao1 (1. Department of Precision Instruments, Tsinghua University)
[BISC2-02]Vector wavefront imaging using transport-of-intensity equation with a polarization camera
*Yuki Yamamoto1, Suguru Shimomura1, Yusuke Ogura1 (1. Osaka University)
[BISC2-03]Quantitative Polarization Imaging by Digital Holography
*Manoj Kumar Kumar1,2, Osamu Matoba2 (1. Amity University Punjab, India, 2. Kobe University, Japan)
[BISC2-04]Optical Phase Detection System for Human Lung Cancer Cells using AI assisted Isotropic Differential Phase Contrast Microscopy
*Yuan-Chung Cheng1, Hao-Pin Chiu2, Cheng Yu4, Jing-En Lin5, Clara Lavita Angelina6, Sunil Vyas1, Yuan Luo1,2,3 (1. Institute of Medical Device and Imaging, National Taiwan University, 2. Department of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University, 3. Program for Precision Health and Intelligent Medicine, National Taiwan University, 4. College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, 5. Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, 6. Graduate School of Engineering Science and Technology, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin)
[BISC2-05]Dynamic event measurement using transport-of-intensity phase imaging under commercially available confocal microscopy
*Naru Yoneda1,2, Tappei Matsuoka3, Joe Sakamoto4,5, Takumi Tomoi6, Yosuke Tamada7,8,9, Tomomi Nemoto4,5,10, Osamu Matoba1,2 (1. Graduate School of System Informatics, Department of System Science, Kobe University, 2. Center of Optical Scattering Image Science, Kobe University, 3. Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University, 4. Biophotonics Research Group, Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems, 5. Division of Biophotonics, National Institute for Physiological Science, 6. Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Applied Biological Science, Tokyo University of Science, 7. Faculty of Engineering, Utsunomiya University, 8. Center for Optical Research and Education (CORE), Utsunomiya University, 9. Robotics, Engineering and Agriculture-TechnologyLaboratory (REAL), Utsunomiya University, 10. The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI))
[BISC2-06]Accurate phase recovery using a computational approach to transport of intensity equation
*Shubham Tiwari1, Dalip Singh Mehta1 (1. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, 110016, India)
[BISC2-07]Investigating the imaging performance of a compressive sensing-based single-pixel camera under the effect of object movement
*An Thanh Nguyen1, Hien Thu Nguyen1, Hung Duy Nguyen1, Thao Ngoc Pham1, Quang Duc Pham1 (1. University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University Hanoi)
[BISC2-08]Non-contact estimation of percutaneous arterial oxygen saturation from RGB facial video without pulse detection
*Izumi Nishidate1, Yuki Nagahama2, Nodoka Nagao1, Haruta Suzuki1, Yasuaki Kokubo3 (1. Graduate School of Bio-Applications & Systems Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2. Department of Biomedical Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 3. Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Yamagata University)