Session Details

High pressure material 1

Wed. Apr 23, 2025 11:10 AM - 12:15 PM JST
Wed. Apr 23, 2025 2:10 AM - 3:15 AM UTC
311+312 (Conference Center)
Session Chair: Gianluca Gregori (University of Oxford)

[HEDS5-01(Invited)]Deployment of X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy in High-Energy Density Science Experiments

*Charles Heaton1, Yin Hao2,3, Dimitri Khaghani4, Hae Ja Lee4, Hannah Poole5, Eric Blackman3,5,6, Nina Boiadjieva4, Celine Crépisson1, Gilbert Collins2,3,5,6, Adrien Descamps7, Arianna Gleason4, Christian Gutt12, Alexander Petsch4, Lisa Randolph9, Silke Nelson4, Peregrine McGehee4, Rajan Plumley4,8,10, Christopher Spindloe11, Thomas Stevens1, Charlotte Stuart1, Joshua Turner4,8, Jessica Shang2,3,6, Hussein Aluie2,3,6, Gianluca Gregori1 (1. Department of Physics, University of Oxford, 2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Rochester, 3. Center for Matter at Atomic Pressures, University of Rochester, 4. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 5. Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester, 6. Laboratory of Laser Energetics, University of Rochester, 7. School of Mathematics and Physics, Queens University Belfast, 8. Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, 9. European XFEL, 10. Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University, 11. Central Laser Facility (CLF), STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, 12. Department of Physics, The University of Siegen)

[HEDS5-02]High Power Nanosecond Laser for Dynamic Shock Compression and roadmap to kJ-class laser at high repetition rate

*Olivier Zabiolle1, Stephane Branly 1, Florian Mollica1, Franck Falcoz1, Anna Golinelli1, Pierrick Leroy1, Pierre-Mary Paul1 (1. Amplitude Laser)

[HEDS5-03]Shock Compression of Pre-Compressed Water: Toward the 300 K Isotherm with a Novel Diamond Anvil Cell

*Diluka Singappuli1, Noaz Nissim2, Eran Greenberg2, Donaldi Mancelli3, Lior Perelmutter2, Meir Werdiger2, Keisuke Shigemori4, Norimasa Ozaki4, Katarzyna Batani5, Gilad Oren2, Nir Sapir2, Shalom Eliezer2, Dimitri Batani1 (1. CELIA - University of Bordeaux, 2. Applied Physics Department - Soreq NRC, 3. IPPL - Hellenic Mediterranean University, 4. ILE - Osaka University, 5. IPPLM)