Session Details

Photoacoustic Imaging

Fri. Apr 25, 2025 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM JST
Fri. Apr 25, 2025 2:00 AM - 3:30 AM UTC
511+512 (Conference Center)

[ALPS-H2-01(Invited)]Multi-Modal Imaging: Photoacoustic Imaging Plus More

*Chulhong Kim1 (1. Pohang University of Science and Technology)

[ALPS-H2-02]High-sensitivity detection of cancer cells using aptamer-based terahertz chemical microscope

*Tsuneyuki Ozaki1 (1. INRS-EMT)

[ALPS-H2-03]Analysis of Effect of lattice period on the viewing angle of a metalens

*Kosuke Nishiura1, Atsushi Hasegawa1, Keisuke Ozawa2, Yuki Abe2, Mineki Taoka2, Takeshi Yamagishi2, Kentaro Iwami1 (1. Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2. Samsung R&D Institute Japan)

[ALPS-H2-04]Long-Range Swept-Source OCT Imaging with Real-Time Calibration using HCG-VCSEL Laser

Chien-Hua Peng1, Jian-Zhi Wang1, Hao-Hsun Chung1, Jyh-Tsung Hsieh2, *Hsiang-Chieh Lee1 (1. National Taiwan University, 2. Bandwith10 Ltd)

[ALPS-H2-05]Development of Refractive Index Correction based Image Registration with Multi-view Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) for Tooth Imaging

Yin-Shen Cheng1, Pei-Chen Sung1, Zi-Wen Kao1, Fang-Ying Hua2, Ting-Hao Chen1, Chuan-Bor Chueh1, Yin-Lin Wang2, *Hsiang-Chieh Lee1 (1. Natioanl Taiwan University, 2. National Taiwan University Hospital)