Presentation Information
[1P026]Solvent Dependent Potential Energy Surfaces of 9-Arylcarbazole Derivatives showing Direct Charge Transfer Band: Effect of the Functional Groups
○Kazuya TAKAMOTO1, YOSHIFUMI UENO2, Kaoru OHTA3, Michitoshi HAYASHI4, Seiji AKIMOTO1, MATSUBARA Ryosuke1, Keisuke TOMINAGA1,3 (1.Grad.Sch.of Sci., Kobe Univ., 2.Inst. of Arts and Sci., Tokyo Univ. of Sci., 3.Mol. Photosci. Res. Centr., Kobe Unv., 4.Centr for Condens. Matt. Sci., Nat. Taiwan Univ.)
charge transfer,solvation dynamics,Marcus theory,quantum chemical calculation,transition dipole moment