Presentation Information
[2P074]Elucidation of Initial Charge Separation Structure in Y-series Non-Fullerene Acceptor-Based Organic Thin Film Solar Cell by Time-Resolved EPR and Pulse EPR
○Souta TSUJIMURA1, Yasuhiro KOBORI1,2, Hiroshi IMAHORI3, Tomokazu UMEYAMA4, Yuzhe ZAHANG3 (1.Grad.Sch.of Sci., Dept. of Chem., Kobe Univ., 2.Mol. Photosci. Res. Center, Kobe Univ., 3.Kyoto Univ., 4.Univ. of Hyogo)
Organic thin-film solar cells,Electron paramagnetic resonance,Charge separation