Presentation Information
[BS-3-02](Invited Presentation) NICT’s Research and Development for Deployment of Laser Satellite Communication Network in the Key and Advanced Technology R&D through Cross Community Collaboration Program
〇Hideaki Kotake1, Mariko Sekiguchi1, Go Otsuru1, Kolev Dimitar1, Yoshihiko Saito1, Takayuki Usami1, Junichi Nakazono1, Koichi Shiratama1, Alberto Carrasco-Casado1, Hideki Takami1, Toshihiro Kubooka1, Fumie Ono1, Hiroyuki Tsuji1, Morio Toyoshima1 (1. National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
Satellite constellation,Low earth orbit satellite,Laser satellite communication