Session Details


Tue. Sep 10, 2024 1:45 PM - 4:45 PM JST
Tue. Sep 10, 2024 4:45 AM - 7:45 AM UTC
Building No.5 4F 5-402(Nippon Institute of Technology)

[B-5A-07]Evaluation of the bit error rate in frequency-selective fading for MIMO scheme using Schubert cell decomposition

◎Naotaka Miyaji1, Tatsumi Konishi1 (1. Aichi Institute of Technology)

[B-5A-08]A Low Complexity Soft-Input Decoding For Overloaded MIMO systems

◎Koki Matoba1, Satoshi Denno1, Yafei Hou1 (1. Okayama Univ.)

[B-5A-09]Base Station Coordinated Multi-Cell MU-MIMO Canceller Considering the Accuracy of Channel Estimation

◎Ryohei Maeda1, Takuya Kaneda1, Takafumi Fujii1, Teruya Fujii2,1 (1. SoftBank Corp., 2. Tokyo Tech.)

[B-5A-10]Study on Efficient MU-MIMO in Cellular Systems with Massive Antennas at Base Stations

◎Kohei Mitsumoto1, Teruya Fujii1,2 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2. SoftBank Corp)

[B-5A-11]Orthogonal Polarization Beamforming MU-MIMO Canceller Performance evaluated in a Cellular Environment

◎△Toshihisa Tsuji1, Fujii Teruya1,2 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2. SoftBank Corp.)

[B-5A-12]Performance Evaluation of Coherent Joint Transmission by using Multi-TRP Coordination

◎Takahisa Fukui1, Taro Kumamoto1, Akihiro Sonoda1, Kazunari Yokomakura1 (1. SHARP corporation)

Break time

[B-5A-13]Integration of Visible Light Communication into New Radio Network Topology in 6G

〇Yuyuan Chang1, Huiling Jiang1, Satoshi Suyama1 (1. NTT DOCOMO, INC.)

[B-5A-14]A Study of Decision Algorithm for Beam Allocation in RIS-aided 6G System

〇Dan Mohri1, Yuta Hayashi1, Yuyuan Chang1, Satoshi Suyama1, Huiling Jiang1 (1. NTT DOCOMO, INC.)

[B-5A-15]A verification of 5G millimeter-wave service area for introducing radio signal repeater


[B-5A-16]Experimental Evaluation on RIS Power Saving Technique by Monitoring the Wireless Environment

◎Takumi Yoneda1, Riku Ohmiya1, Tomoki Murakami1, Yasushi Takatori1, Tomoaki Ogawa1 (1. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone corporation)

[B-5A-17]Performance Evaluation Model for the mmWave Smart Repeater System

〇Masaaki Miura1, Jin Nakazato2, Arokia Nathan3,4, S.B. Cha3, Katsuya Suto1 (1. Graduate School of Information and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan, 2. Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 3. Visban Corp., Tokyo, Japan, 4. Darwin College, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK)