Presentation Information

[O3-07E]Antigen-specific high avidity CD4+T cells correlate with
pre-existing antigen-specific proliferating B cells and neutralizing antibody titers

*Dongyun Lu1,5, Celine Chua1,5, Xinxin Xue1,5, Naila Shinwari1,5, Isao Ito2, Takao Hashiguchi3, Ryutaro Kotaki4, Yoshimasa Takahashi4, Hideki Ueno1,5 (1. Department of Immunology, Kyoto University (Japan), 2. Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kyoto University Hospital (Japan), 3. Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University (Japan), 4. Research Center for Drug and Vaccine Development, National Institute of Infectious Diseases (Japan), 5. Kyoto Immunomonitoring Center (Japan))

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