Session Details

[O2]Oral Presentations 2

Mon. Mar 17, 2025 3:20 PM - 4:10 PM JST
Mon. Mar 17, 2025 6:20 AM - 7:10 AM UTC
Main Hall, Kobe International Conference Center(1F)
Chair:Yasuhiko Suzuki(Hokkaido University International Institute for Zoonosis Control)
All presentations in this session are candidates for the Oral Presentation Award for Early-career Researchers.

[O2-01E]Verification of a tuberculosis vaccine with simian immunodeficiency virus and mycobacterium tuberculosis co-infected monkey model

*Natsuko Yamakawa1, Yasuhiro Yasutomi1 (1. NIBIOHN, Tsukuba Primate Research Center (Japan))

[O2-02E]A conserved human CD4+ T cell subset recognizing the mycobacterial adjuvant, trehalose monomycolate

*Yuki Sakai1, Minori Asa1, Nagatoshi Fujiwara4, Daisuke Motooka5, Takayuki Kato6,7, Sho Yamasaki1,2,3,7 (1. Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University (Japan), 2. Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, Immunology Frontier Research Center (IFReC), Osaka University (Japan), 3. Center for Infectious Disease Education and Research (CiDER), Osaka University (Japan), 4. Department of Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Contemporary Human Life Science, Tezukayama University (Japan), 5. Genome Information Research Center, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University (Japan), 6. Laboratory of Cryo-EM Structural Biology, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University (Japan), 7. Center of Advanced Modalities and DDS (CAMaD), Osaka University (Japan))

[O2-03E]At the Interface of Epidemiology, Vaccine Development, and Public Health Practice: Elucidating SFTS Transmission Pathways and Quantifying Risk Groups to Inform Decision-Making

*Laura Skrip1,2,3 (1. Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Dynamics, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University (Japan), 2. School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University (Japan), 3. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (UK))

[O2-04E]Development of organ-specific vaccine and therapeutic drug delivery systems

*Yoshiaki Kise1 (1. Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Tokyo (Japan))

[O2-05E]Longitudinal variations in the abundance of human fecal markers as revealed by historically deposited sediments in a wastewater-fed marine environment

*Shotaro Torii1 (1. Departiment of Urban Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo (Japan))