[S08]Material symbiosis: From immune regulation to emerging modality
2024年12月4日(水) 9:00 〜 11:30
Room C
Organizers: Asako Yamayoshi (Tokyo Institute of Technology/ Nagasaki University), Osamu Takeuchi (Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University)
DGFI-JSI Joint Session/ Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A) "Biophysical Chemistry for Material Symbiosis" co-organized session
[S08-01]Dissecting the Roles of Nucleases in Innate Immunity
Jiali Zhu1, Lei Wang2, Changjie Lin1, Yingying Sui1, ○Wen Zhou1 (1.Department of Immunology and Microbiology, Southern University of Science and Technology, 2.Department of Systems Biology, Southern University of Science and Technology)
[S08-02]mRNA Decay as a Novel Therapeutic Target in T-Cell Immunity
○Takuya Uehata, Osamu Takeuchi (Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University)
[S08-03]Escape from recognition by nucleic acid-binding proteins to improve the performance of nucleic acid drugs.
○Yukiko Kamiya1,2 (1.Kobe Pharmaceutical University, 2.Nagoya University)
[S08-04]Nanoparticle formulations for safe and effective immune tolerance induction for allergy immunotherapy
○Takeshi Mori (Kyushu University)
[S08-05]Nucleic acid immunity and therapeutics
○Gunther Hartmann (Institute of Clinical Chemistry & Clinical Pharmacology, University Hospital Bonn)