[S10]Nervous System and Immune Tolerance
2024年12月4日(水) 9:00 〜 11:30
Room E
Organizers: Minako Ito (Division of Allergy and Immunology,Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University ), Tomohisa Sujino (Center for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy, Keio University School of Medicine)
US-Japan Cooperative Medical Sciences Program Co-organized Session
[S10-01]Nervous System and Immune Tolerance
○Minako Ito (Division of Allergy and Immunology, Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University)
[S10-02]Endogenous self-peptides guard CNS immune privilege
○Min Woo Kim, Emil R Unanue, Jonathan Kipnis (Washington University in St. Louis)
[S10-03]Gut-Brain Axis and neurotransmitters from the gut influence extraintestinal diseases
○Tomohisa Sujino1,2, Kentaro Miyamoto3,4, Shohei Suzuki3, Kai Tsugaru3, Kai Tsugaru3, Akihiko Chida3, Shogo Sunaga3, Toshiaki Teratani3, Takanori Kanai Kanai3 (1.Keio University, Center for Diagnosis and Therapeutic Endoscopy, 2.Keio Global Research Institute, 3.Keio University, School of Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 4.Miyarisan Pharm.)
[S10-04]Circadian control of regulatory T cells by enteric neurons and eosinophils
○Daniel Mucida1,2, Tomasz Ahrends1 (1.The Rockefeller University, 2.Howard Hughes Medical Institute)
[S10-05]Runx3/Cbfb regulates Rorgt+ pTreg differentiation in the gut throught regulating development and function of Rorγt+ Thetis cells.
○Ichiro Taniuchi, Chihiro Ogawa (RIKEN IMS)