
[16a-B4-2][JSAP-Optica Joint Symposia Invited Talk] Super-resolution microscopy using nonlinear behavior of fluorescent molecules

〇Kenta Temma1,2 (1.Osaka Univ. Eng., 2.Osaka Univ. Med.)



Super-resolution microscopy has overcome the classical diffraction limit of optical microscopy, enabling the visualization of sub-organelle structures of biological samples. However, most of the super-resolution techniques fully exhibit their resolving capability only in the observations of sample positions near the surface, due to the requirement of complex illumination patterns or single molecule detection.
We developed several super-resolution techniques that leverage the nonlinear behavior of fluorescent molecules such as multiphoton, step-wise, and saturable absorption. Nonlinear fluorescence signals derived from these behaviors three-dimensionally localize within the excitation area, suppressing background light and improving spatial resolution even inside the volumetric samples. In this talk, we introduce techniques using reversibly photo-switchable fluorescent protein to further enhance imaging depth and resolution.

