
[16a-B4-6]Suppression of Modulated Electron Beam Diffraction Radiation from Finite Array of Circular Graphene Nanotubes due to the Lattice-Mode Effect

〇(P)Dariia Herasymova1 (1.Institute of Radio-Physics and Electronics NASU)


finite grating、graphene、modulated electron beam

We analyze the effect of the suppression of the diffraction radiation (DR) caused by the electron beam flowing above a finite grating made of dielectric circular nanowires with graphene covers. For the incident field, we assume a constant velocity for the modulated in-density electron beam. We employ quantum-theory Kubo formalism and resistive sheet boundary conditions to characterize the graphene. To simplify the electromagnetic boundary value problem of wave scattering, we use the separation of variables in local coordinates and the addition theorem for cylindrical functions. This method enables precise control over numerical accuracy. Overall, the work focuses on the suppression of the plasmon-mode resonance of diffraction radiation for the studied grating. This investigation can be fruitful in DLA section designs built on graphene-wrapped dielectric rods or other similar elements.

