
[16a-C41-4]Technological Advances of Perovskite Solar Cells and Modules

〇Hiroshi Segawa1,2 (1.Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The Univ. of Tokyo, 2.RCAST, The Univ. of Tokyo)


Perovskite Solar Cell、Organometal Halide Perovskite、Light-Weight Solar Cell

Organometal halide perovskite is one of the promising light absorption material for the light-weight and high-efficiency solar cells. In our study, K+-doped perovskite is good for the stabilization with keeping relatively high performance. It can be stabilized to some extent where it is not decomposed after 10, 000 h of heating. On the other hand, the crystal lattice structure of the organometal halide perovskite is also important. In our study, direct observation of the microstructure of the thin film organometal halide perovskite using transmission electron microscopy was investigated. Unlike previous reports, it is identified that the tetragonal and cubic phases coexist at room temperature, and it is confirmed that superlattices composed of a mixture of tetragonal and cubic phases are self-organized without a compositional change. These results show the fundamental crystallographic information for the organometal halide perovskite and demonstrates new possibilities toward high performance perovskite solar cells. As for the light-weight PSC, we accomplished 46.9W/g for the PSC using the polyimide film substrate.

