
[16p-B4-12]A Cost-Effective, Flexible 1D Metasurface Absorber in The Infrared Region

〇(DC)Jhuma Pan1, Sachin Kumar Srivastava1 (1.IIT Roorkee)


Plasmonic Metasurface、Infrared Absorber、Nanoimprint lithography

Metasurafce are widely investigated to enhance the light absorption in the infrared (IR) region for its significant applications in sensors, photodetectors, optical filters etc. The fabrication of reported metasurface absorbers employed expensive and complex lithography technique such as electron beam lithography. This study reports a plasmonic metasurface IR absorber with high absorbance due to the excitation of surface plasmon mode at Ag-TiO2 interface. The maximum absorbance of 94% at 30 degree of angle of incidence and an average absorbance of 75% upto 60 degree angle of incidence are observed experimentally. The use of PDMS substrate and nanoimprint lithography for the fabrication of the absorber makes it flexible and cost-effective.

