
[17a-A35-5]Exciton-driven Floquet-Bloch States in 2D Semiconductors

Vivek Pareek1, David Bacon1, 〇(DC)XING ZHU1, Yang-Hao Chan2, Fabio Bussolotti3, Nicholas S Chan1, Joel Perez Urquizo1, Kenji Watanabe4, Takashi Taniguchi4, Michael K. L. Man1, Julien Madeo1, Diana Qiu5, Kuan Eng Johnson Goh3,6,7, Felipe H. da Jornada8,9, Keshav M. Dani1 (1.FSU, OIST, 2.IAMS, Academia Sinica, 3.IMRE, A*STAR, 4.NIMS, 5.Yale Univ., 6.NUS, 7.NTU, 8.Stanford Univ., 9.SLAC)


2D semiconductors、Floquet engineering、ARPES

Floquet engineering, in which a temporal periodic drive breaks the continuous temporal symmetry and dynamically engineers the electronic structure, has attracted enormous attention in condensed matter physics. However, only a handful of studies have experimentally demonstrated Floquet effects driven by optical fields, which are limited by weak light-matter interactions. Meanwhile, theoretically it is predicted that an internal oscillating field, such as phonons and excitons, could also drive giant Floquet effects without the undesirable aspects of the optical case. In this talk, we will discuss the experimental observation of the Floquet-Bloch states induced by the excitons in 2D semiconductors.

