
[17a-A35-8]Dry transfer and optical properties of CVD-grown transition metal dichalcogenides

〇Wenjin Zhang1, Tomoya Ogawa1, Takahiko Endo1, Kenji Watanabe2, Takashi Taniguchi2, Takumi Sannomiya3, Kazunari Matsuda4, Yasumitsu Miyata1 (1.Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., 2.NIMS, 3.Tokyo Tech., 4.Kyoto Univ.)


2D materials、vdW heterostructures、Optical properties

Improving the transfer technique of 2D materials is an important issue for their fundamental study and future ap-plications. Even though much progress has been made, the search for exfoliated thin and sufficiently large flakes of 2D materials is still very time-consuming. In contrast, the use of triangular single crystals of transition metal dichalco-genides (TMDCs) allows for easy determination of crystal orientation and thus easy control of twist angles. However, there have been only a few reports on dry transfer and its effect on the optical properties of CVD-grown TMDCs. One of the major technical difficulties is the efficient peel-ing of CVD-grown monolayers from growth substrates. In general, CVD-grown monolayers are known to adhere strongly to growth substrates compared to exfoliated flakes. Compared with the solution or chemical assisted transfer of CVD grown TMDCs, the dry transfer should keep the in-trinsic properties of as grown TMDCs because the solution processes induce physical or chemical property modula-tions of TMDCs. To expand the versatility of this growth-assisted approach, it is highly desirable to demon-strate the dry transfer and investigate its effects on physical properties. Here, we report the dry transfer and optical properties of CVD-grown TMDCs using a simple acrylic resin stamp [1]. We introduced the melting and solidification process of an acrylic resin stamp in contact with the sample to improve the adhesion of the stamp. This improvement allows us to efficiently pick up the single crystals of various TMDC monolayers with desired grain size and density from the SiO2 surface, and to perform high-throughput and continu-ous dry transfer.

