
[17a-B4-5]Investigation of solvation structures of Lithium-ion battery materials on clinochlore using frequency modulation atomic force microscopy

〇(D)Yilin Wang1, Kei Kobayashi1 (1.Kyoto Univ..)


frequency modulation atomic force microscopy、solid liquid interface

At the electrode/electrolyte interface of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), various phenomena occur, such as lithium-ion insertion/extraction, solvation/desolvation, and double electric layer formation. These processes are crucial to the functionality and performance of LIBs. However, measuring the microstructure and reaction mechanisms at this interface is challenging. Although computational methods like density-functional theory (DFT)-based simulations have been increasingly used in recent years, experimental techniques for direct analysis of the interfacial structure formed by electrolytes are still rare. Frequency modulation atomic force microscopy (FM-AFM) detects shifts in the resonance frequency of a cantilever beam, providing high spatial resolution and sensitivity in detecting force gradients. This allows for accurate measurement of solvated structures formed near solid-liquid interfaces with sub-nanometer precision.
In this study, we investigated the solvation structure of lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (Li-TFSI) in propylene carbonate (PC) on clinochlore, which exhibits heterogeneously charged terraces, to understand the solvation structures at the interface and their dependence on the surface charges. Figure 1 shows the AFM topographic images of clinochlore in a solution of Li-TFSI in PC. Two different structures were observed on the clinochlore surface: a positively charged brucite-like layer on a negatively charged talc-like layer. Figure 2 presents a two-dimensional frequency shift map of the area marked by the green dashed line in Fig. 1(b). The averaged frequency shift curve for the talc-like more peaks compared to the brucite-like area. This difference may be attributed to the formation of different molecular assemblies by TFSI anions in the two regions, resulting in different solvation behaviors at the interface.

