
[17a-D61-6]Low magnetic damping recording layer for reducing write-errors in voltage-driven magnetization switching

〇Tatsuya Yamamoto1, Tomohiro Ichinose1, Takayuki Nozaki1, Shingo Tamaru1, Kay Yakushiji1, Hitoshi Kubota1, Shinji Yuasa1 (1.AIST)


magnetic tunnel junction、Electric field effect、perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

Electrical control of magnetization in magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) is the key technology for developing magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM). Among a variety of techniques, the use of voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy (VCMA) effect allows for switching the magnetization with a minimal energy and is thus regarded as a promising alternative to the spin-transfer-torque (STT) technology used in the state-of-the-art MRAMs. Regardless of the remarkable advantage in the energy efficiency, a substantial reduction in the write-error rate (WER) of the VCMA-driven magnetization switching is strongly demanded for the practical application. In this work, we develop perpendicularly magnetized MTJs consisting of an Mg40Fe10O50/Co-Fe-B/MgO multilayer as a recording layer. The nonmagnetic insulators on both sides of the Co-Fe-B layer effectively eliminates the spin pumping effect to reduce the effective magnetic damping. We show that the lower magnetic damping reduces the thermal fluctuation during pulse duration, and a fairly low WER of the order of 10-3 is achieved for write pulses longer than 1 ns.

