
[17a-D62-7]Preliminary evaluation of dynamic imaging results of contrast agent sample using a 2-dimensional MPPC-based photon counting CT detector system

〇(M2)Fitri Lucyana1, Makoto Arimoto1, Takahiro Tomoda1, Minori Oshima1, Yu Furuta1, Hiroki Kawashima1, Satoshi Kobayashi1, Kazuhiro Murakami1, Kenichiro Okumura1, Jun Kataoka2, Ryotaro Minagawa2, Daichi Sato3, Shinsuke Terazawa4, Satoshi Shiota4 (1.Kanazawa Univ., 2.Waseda Univ., 3.Tohoku Univ., 4.Proterial Ltd.)


photon counting CT、2-dimensional detector、dynamic imaging

Photon counting (PC) detectors revolutionize medical CT imaging with their capability to count individual photons while simultaneously measuring their energy. Consequently, PC-CT significantly advances the benefits of medical diagnostics and treatment. The development of an established PC-CT system, integrating a multi-pixel photon counter (MPPC) array with a yttrium-gadolinium-aluminum-gallium garnet (YGAG) scintillator array, needs to expand from a 1-dimensional to a 2-dimensional detector to enhance temporal image resolution. In this presentation, we report on the preliminary evaluation of dynamic imaging using a 2-dimensional PC-CT system to assess object flow within specific time intervals, demonstrated as a simplified model for vascular system dynamics. We injected an Iodine 5 mg/mL substance sample via a syringe pump with an injecting rate of 3.7 mL/h. Ideally, in a sample tube with an inner diameter of 10 mm, the surface of the substance will rise by 4.71 mm within 6 minutes. We will briefly report the result of the detailed evaluation.

