
[17p-A32-7]Electric field spin skyrmion generated by plasmonic nanostructures

〇Pin Christophe1, Keiji Sasaki2 (1.OIST, 2.RIES, Hokkaido Univ.)


plasmonic skyrmion、spin angular momentum、spin-momentum locking

In this work, we study the spin angular momentum density carried by the evanescent electric field of localized surface plasmons excited in gold nanorods multimer structures. We show that by controlling the phase difference between the oscillating charges around the central nanogap, a transverse spin loop can be generated around the nanogaps formed by adjacent nanorods, and an energy flow simultaneously appears between the nanorods due to the spin-momentum locking effect. While this topological effect allows for the excitation of circularly polarized electric field and Poynting vector nanovortex in the nanogap of plasmonic multimer antennas, we show here that skyrmion-like spin textures are also formed above and below the central nanogap of the structure.

