
[18a-P02-3]Mid-infrared femtosecond laser based on Cr:ZnS oscillator and ZBLAN fiber

〇Kejia Zeng1, Aoi Satou1, Xiangbao Bu1, Satoshi Ashihara1 (1.Utokyo, IIS)


ultrafast laser、soliton self-frequency shift

Mid-infrared (MIR) femtosecond laser is an important experimental tool to understand the physical structure and dynamical properties of molecules.Since most molecules have resonant frequencies lying in the MIR region, which is also called the “molecular fingerprint region”. However, generating MIR ultrafast laser in 3~5μm wavelength region, which covers many absorption peaks of molecules, is very challenging due to lack of suitable gain medium in the given region.
My research purpose is to develop a new light source in the MIR region with broad spectrum, excellent spatial coherence, and high output power based on Cr:ZnS oscillator and soliton self-frequency shift (SSFS) effect in optical fiber. Especially aiming at the applications for spectroscopy in 3~5μm wavelength region.
Experimental results show that a Raman-shifted soliton continuously shifts from 2.25 μm to 3.6 μm with up to 410 mW pump power, and the overall conversion efficiency is measured to be 10-13%. Besides, noise character of the Raman soliton is also investigated.

