
[19p-A33-16]Plasmonic nano-vortex field excited by a circularly-polarized plane wave

〇Pin Christophe1, Keiji Sasaki2 (1.OIST, 2.RIES, Hokkaido Univ.)


plasmonic nanogap、phase singularity、orbital angular momentum

In this work, we show that optical nanovortices can be directly generated by using an incident circularly polarized plane wave to excite two interlocked multimer antennas with a pi-phase-shifted temporal response. Whereas a non-resonant nanovortex antenna is formed by simply combining two multimer antenna with red-shifted and blue-shifted dipole resonances, respectively, a 3D assembly of dipole resonators is needed to design a resonant nanovortex antenna. To avoid complex fabrication methods necessary to fabricate such 3D assembly of nanoparticles, a 2D resonant nanovortex antenna may alternatively be designed by combining dipole and longitudinal quadrupole resonators.

