
[19p-C301-1][The 56th Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] Mechanochromic polydiacetylene: a breakthrough in bio- and force-sensors

〇Jianlu Zheng1, Kaori Sugihara1 (1.Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo)



Polydiacetylene, known for its special pai-conjugated chemical structure, is widely used in seeing fields due to facile synthesis and dual signals (visual color change and turn-on fluorescence) upon exposure to external stimuli. To date, a lot of people have studied biochromism, solvatochromism, mechanochromism, ionochromism, and thermochromism, which helps us understand the mechanism of detection. However, the quantitative stimuli-response relationship is difficult to study, except for mechanochromism. In 2021, the Sugihara Group first demonstrated the quantitative and anisotropic force-fluorescence correlation of PDA thanks to a unique setup in the lab, nano-friction force/fluorescence microscopy. Based on the art-of-state technology, we can unravel how much and in which direction of forces exactly twist the backbone and alter its optical properties, which is worthy of expanding the further tuning of these applications based on this work.

