
[19p-D61-3]Rare earth luminescence in ternary fluorides: role of crystal field splitting

〇(P)Vojtech Vanecek1,2,3, Masao Yoshino4, Takahiko Horiai4, Akihiro Yamaji4, Shunsuke Kurosawa4, Akira Yoshikawa1,4,5 (1.IMR, Tohoku Univ., 2.JSPS Fellow, 3.Inst. of Phys. AVCR, 4.NICHe, Tohoku Univ., 5.C&A corporation)


Single crystal、Rare earth、Luminescence

The 5d → 4f luminescence of Ce^{3+} and Pr^{3+} exhibit fast decays in order of 10^1 ns due to its spin and parity-allowed nature. This makes Ce^{3+} and Pr^{3+} one of the most widespread dopants in scintillating materials. Contrary to the parity forbidden 4f→4f luminescence typical for lanthanides which is insensitive to the local environment due to the shielding effect, the 5d→4f emission is affected by the Nephelauxetic effect and crystal field splitting. We have investigated the influence of crystal field splitting on the luminescence of Ce^{3+} and Pr^{3+} in ternary fluoride crystals. Systematic changes in composition result in the alteration of the crystal field which influences energy and lifetime of the 5d→4f emission.

