
[20a-C43-2]Optimizing Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion in Metasurfaces with In-verse Design

〇Marcus Cai1, Neuton Li1, Tongmiao Fan1, Jihua Zhang1,2, Jinyong Ma1, Dragomir Neshev1, Andrey Sukhorukov1 (1.ARC Centre of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Systems (TMOS), Dept. of Electronic Materials Engineering, Research School of Physics, Australian National Univ., Australia, 2.Songshan Lake Materials Lab., China)


metasurface、quantum optics、inverse design

We come up with an inverse design algorithm to optimize spontaneous parametric down conversion in metasurfaces. One of our optimized metasurfaces outperforms the thin film of the same material by more than 10 times in brightness while ensuring almost maximal polarization entanglement of the signal and idler photon states.

