
[20a-D61-8]Anomalous Nernst effect and magnetic structures of Pd/Co multilayers

〇(M2)Hayato Kudo1, Yasuo Takeichi2, Shohei Yamashita3, Bowen Qiang1, Toshio Miyamachi1, Kanta Ono2, Masaki Mizuguchi1 (1.Nagoya Univ., 2.Osaka Univ., 3.KEK-IMSS)


spintronics、the anomalous Nernst effect (ANE)

In recent years, the anomalous Nernst effect (ANE) has been attracting attention because of its application to a sustainable energy source. The ANE, the thermal counterpart of the AHE, is phenomenon that converts heat flow into transverse voltage in magnetic materials and therefore magnetic structures and their dynamics are thought to be greatly important. Actually, there have been many interesting reports such as observation of topological contributions to the AHE and ANE[1] with chiral magnetic structures like magnetic skyrmions and prediction of transverse magnon-drag effect[2]. We have presented the ANE in chiral magnetic samples and discussed their magnetic structures and the ANE. In this talk, we focus on the magnetic structure at each point in a magnetic hysteresis loop and investigate relationship between their magnetic structures and the AHE and ANE.

