
[20p-D61-4]Low-temperature measurements of the anomalous Ettingshausen effect using lock-in thermography

〇Takumi Imamura1,2, Takamasa Hirai2, Ken-ichi Uchida1,2,3 (1.Univ. of Tsukuba, 2.NIMS, 3.Univ. of Tokyo)


magneto-thermoelectric generation

The anomalous Ettingshausen effect (AEE) refers to the conversion of a charge current into a transverse heat current in a magnetic conductor. Since AEE works as a temperature modulator with simple structure and versatile scaling, it may pave the way for thermal management technologies for electronic and spintronic devices. In recent years, the experimental studies of AEE have been accelerated since the measurement method based on the lock-in thermography (LIT) has been established. While LIT makes it possible to estimate the AEE-induced temperature modulation quantitatively with high reliability and reproducibility, LIT measurements were performed only at room and high temperatures. For further comprehension of AEE, it is important to verify the applicability of LIT for AEE measurements at low temperatures.
Here, we report low-temperature measurements of AEE in a polycrystalline Co2MnGa slab using LIT, which is expected to show large AEE-induced signals, and estimate the limit of the temperature range available for LIT. Since LIT is applicable to various materials and phenomena, this work will stimulate materials science and physics studies on spin caloritronics and thermoelectrics.

