
[20p-D61-6]X-ray helicity-dependent ultrafast demagnetization in a Pt/Co/Pt multilayer

〇Kihiro Yamada1, Rei Kobayashi2, Itaru Sugiura3, Yuya Kubota4,5, Aoi Gocho6, Yusuke Akiyama2, Kaiki Takemura2, Sota Sasakura6, Keisuke Kaneshima6, Takuo Ohkouchi4,6, Iwao Matsuda7, Teruo Ono3, Tadashi Togashi4,5, Yoshihito Tanaka6, Motohiro Suzuki2 (1.Tokyo Tech, 2.Kuwansei Univ., 3.ICR, Kyoto Univ., 4.JASRI, 5.RIKEN, 6.Hyogo Univ., 7.U Tokyo)


X-ray free electron laser、Ultrafast spectroscopy、Ultrafast demagnetization

When a femtosecond optical pulse irradiates a ferromagnetic metal, the magnetization dramatically
decreases on a sub-picosecond time scale. This phenomenon, known as ultrafast demagnetization, results from optically pumping electrons in the outer-most electron shell, in the visible to near-infrared (NIR) spectral ranges. On the other hand, the advent of x-ray free electron lasers has provided new possibilities for studying ultrafast demagnetization induced by the resonance excitation of core-to-valence electric dipole transitions [1]. We are currently exploring new ultrafast magnetic phenomena triggered by intense hard x-ray pulses using the SACLA facility. Here, we would like to present ultrafast demagnetization induced by circularly polarized hard x-ray pulses in a Pt/Co/Pt multilayer.

