
[20p-P02-8]Efficient Al-Catalyzed SiNW Dimension Control for Device Downscaling of Si/Ge Core-Multishell Heterostructures

〇Wipakorn Jevasuwan1, Naoki Fukata1 (1.MANA, NIMS)


nanowire、heterostructure、chemical vapor deposition

Low impurity scattering in undoped Ge shell and enhancing hole gas accumulation by various Si/Ge heterostructural NW designs facilitate superior electrical characteristics for charge carriers of Ge channel layer for transistor applications. From our previous studies, SiNWs formed by vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth using Al catalysts have been proposed to demonstrate the creation of Si/Ge core-shell heterostructures. The p-Si/i-Ge core-shell heterostructures with the addition of intermediate or/and outermost B-doped p+-Si shell were optimized to maximize hole gas accumulation. Although the vertical-aligned SiNWs with smooth surfaces, single crystalline properties, and addressing the metal catalyst contamination issue have successfully been achieved, the minimizing SiNWs dimension to downscaling devices has not been investigated yet. Therefore, the modification of the Al catalyst for core SiNW growth control was observed in this study toward the monitoring hole gas accumulation in the Ge channel layer of Si/Ge core-multishell heterostructures.

