2025年3月1日(土) 10:40 〜 12:00
第3講義室(東北大学川内南キャンパス 中講義棟C18 2階)
座長:運上 茂樹(東北大学)
[INT-1-01]Semi-supervised learning framework for building damage recognition in disaster emergency response
*Sesa Wiguna1, Bruno Adriano1, Ruben Vescovo2, Erick Mas1, Ayumu Mizutani1, Shunichi Koshimura1 (1. International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University, 2. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tohoku University)
[INT-1-02]Building damage estimation using RaySAR, a Synthetic
Aperture Radar simulator
*Chia Yee Ho Ho1, Bruno Adriano1, Erick Mas1, Shunichi Koshimura1 (1. IRIDeS)
[INT-1-03]Nonlinear Finite Element Simulation of Delamination Behavior on Concrete Slab Tracks
*Putri Dwi Maharani2, Hideki Naito1, Bambang Piscesa2, Wahyuniarsih Sutrisno2 (1. Tohoku University, 2. Institute Technology of Sepuluh Nopember)
[INT-1-04]Development of Hazard Assessment Methods Capable of Simulating the Discharge of Large Woody Debris at Dam Catchments
*Yunhao Liu1 (1. Tohoku University)
[INT-1-05]Preliminary field study for understanding estuarine suspended sediment dynamics
at the Abukuma River, Japan
*SHEIKH HEFZUL BARI1, Yoshiyuki Yokoo1 (1. Graduate School of Symbiotic Systems Science, Fukushima University)
[INT-1-06]Advancing Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation: A Deep Learning Approach Using High-Resolution Ensemble Data.
*Wasitha Randeepa Ranga Dilshan1, Yusuke Hiraga1, Jose Angelo Hokson1 (1. Tohoku University)
[INT-1-07]Sensitivity Analysis of Expanding Cloud Seeding Locations for Rainfall Reduction: A WRF Model-based Study of the 2014 Hiroshima Heavy Rainfall Event
*Jacqueline Muthoni Mbugua1, Yusuke Hiraga1 (1. Tohoku University)
[INT-1-08]Downscaling GRACE Groundwater Storage Using SRGAN for Enhanced Aquifer Management
*Sakina Ahmed1, Yusuke Hiraga 1, So Kazama1 (1. Tohoku University)