[O3]Oral Presentations 3
2025年3月18日(火) 8:30 〜 9:50
神戸国際会議場 メインホール(1F)
Chair:濵﨑 洋子(京都大学 iPS細胞研究所(CiRA) 未来生命科学開拓部門)
Presentations 4, 6 - 8 in this session are candidates for the Oral Presentation Award for Early-career Researchers.
[O3-01]CD69 regulates the tissue dynamics of epigenetically imprinted memory CD4+ T cells
*Chiaki Iwamura1, Rui Hirasawa1, Toshinori Nakayama1, Kiyoshi Hirahara1 (1. Dept of Immunology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University (Japan))
[O3-02]Mechanism of germinal center B cell positive selection
*Takeshi Inoue1,2, Masato Okada3, Tomohiro Kurosaki2,4 (1. UTOPIA, The University of Tokyo (Japan), 2. IFReC, Osaka University (Japan), 3. CAMaD, Osaka University (Japan), 4. RIKEN IMS (Japan))
[O3-03]The regulation of CD4+ tissue resident memory T cells under chronic inflammatory condition
*Kiyoshi Hirahara1,2 (1. Department of Immunology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University (Japan), 2. Chiba University Synergy Institute for Futuristic Mucosal Vaccine Research and Development (cSIMVa) (Japan))
[O3-04E]ThA細胞は重症COVID-19やlong COVIDに関与する
ThA cells are involved in COVID-19 severity and long COVID
*Kazuki Sato1,2, Yuichi Kojima1, Shintaro Hojyo2, Masaaki Murakami2, Satoshi Konno1 (1. Department of Respiratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Hokkaido University (Japan), 2. Molecular Psychoneuroimmunology, Institute for Genetic Medicine, Hokkaido University (Japan))
Immunological research onthe prevention of severe symptoms and the development of vaccinesfor emerging infectious diseases
*Hiroshi Takayanagi1, Ryunosuke Muro2, Wang Suqi1, Takeshi Nitta2, Taku Kureha1 (1. The University of Tokyo (Japan), 2. Tokyo University of Science (Japan))
Strategy for achieving both efficacy and safety of CTL-inducing vaccines using a low molecular drug
*Kensuke Takada1, Mina Kozai1, Kazuhiro Matsuo1 (1. Institute for Vaccine Research and Development (IVReD), Hokkaido University (Japan))
[O3-07E]Antigen-specific high avidity CD4+T cells correlate with
pre-existing antigen-specific proliferating B cells and neutralizing antibody titers
*Dongyun Lu1,5, Celine Chua1,5, Xinxin Xue1,5, Naila Shinwari1,5, Isao Ito2, Takao Hashiguchi3, Ryutaro Kotaki4, Yoshimasa Takahashi4, Hideki Ueno1,5 (1. Department of Immunology, Kyoto University (Japan), 2. Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kyoto University Hospital (Japan), 3. Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University (Japan), 4. Research Center for Drug and Vaccine Development, National Institute of Infectious Diseases (Japan), 5. Kyoto Immunomonitoring Center (Japan))
[O3-08E]Inhibition of COVID-19 vaccine response by pre-existing low-avidity cross-reactive T cells
*Xinxin Xue1, Dongyun Lu1, Naila Shinwari1, Celine Chua1, Isao Ito2, Takao Hashiguchi3, Hideki Ueno1 (1. Department of Immunology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (Japan), 2. Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Kyoto University Hospital (Japan), 3. Institute for Life and Medical Science, Kyoto University (Japan))