[O7]Oral Presentations 7
2025年3月19日(水) 8:50 〜 10:20
神戸国際会議場 メインホール(1F)
Chair:荒瀬 尚(大阪大学 免疫学フロンティア研究センター)、Ming Te Yeh(Center for Advanced Modalities and Drug Delivery System (CAMaD), Osaka University)
[O7-01]Induction of mucosal and systemic antibodies by resident microorganisms
*Yoshiyuki Goto1,2,3, Bonita Lynn McCuaig1 (1. Medical Mycology Research Center, Chiba University (Japan), 2. Research Institute of Disaster Medicine, Chiba University (Japan), 3. Synergy Institute for Futuristic Mucosal Vaccine Research and Development (cSIMVa), Chiba Universi-ty (Japan))
[O7-03]Comparative efficacy of Original and bivalent mRNA vaccine using non-human primate model; contribute to the vaccine strategy against the next variant
*Emiko Urano1, Yasuhiro Yasutomi1 (1. Tsukuba Primate Research Center, NIBIOHN (Japan))
[O7-04]Comparison of the efficacy of whole particle influenza virus vaccine and split vaccine in dexamethasone-treated mice
*石垣 宏仁1
*Hitohito Ishigaki1, Hiraku Kokubu1,2, Kenichi Otaki1, Yasushi Itoh1 (1. Dept of Pathology, Pathogenesis and Disease Regulation, Shiga University of Medical Science (Japan), 2. Dept of Dermatology, Shiga University of Medical Science (Japan))
*Hitohito Ishigaki1, Hiraku Kokubu1,2, Kenichi Otaki1, Yasushi Itoh1 (1. Dept of Pathology, Pathogenesis and Disease Regulation, Shiga University of Medical Science (Japan), 2. Dept of Dermatology, Shiga University of Medical Science (Japan))
[O7-05]Atypical and non-classical CD45RBlo memory B-cells in human vaccination and infectious disease.
David Priest2, Takeshi Ebihara4, Janyerkye Tulyea1, Jonas Sondergaard1, Hisatake Matsumoto4, *James Wing1,2,3 (1. CiDER, Osaka University (Japan), 2. IFReC, Osaka University (Japan), 3. CAMaD, Osaka University (Japan), 4. Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University (Japan))
[O7-06]Multimodal human omics as immune cell atlas, and its application to vaccine development.
*Yukinori Okada1,2,3, Akari Suzuki1, Kazuhiko Yamamoto1 (1. RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences (Japan), 2. The University of Tokyo (Japan), 3. Osaka University (Japan))
[O7-07]Validation of AI designed T-cell and Antibody vaccines against beta-coronaviruses
*Kaidre Bendjama1,2, Ioannis Vardaxis2, Alexandru Odainic2, Sebastian Kapell2, Akhilesh Sharma3 (1. University of Nagasaki (Japan), 2. NEC Oncoimmunity (Norway), 3. NEC Corporation (Japan))
[O7-08]Development of mRNA and Recombinant Protein Vaccines Against Infectious Diseases
*Yoshimasa Tanaka1, Makoto Matsumoto1, Longjian Geng1, Mariko Kamiya1, Kazuya Okami1, Shigeru Kawakami1 (1. Nagasaki University (Japan))
[O7-09]Molecular biology, informatics, and epidemiolgy: multidisciplenary approach preparing for the next pandemic
*Yuki Furuse1, Ryo Komorizono1, Naoko Fujita1 (1. UTOPIA, University of Tokyo (Japan))