
[S9]【E】シンポジウム 9 ASHG-ESHG-JSHG Session "Recent Advances in Chromosome Research"

2022年12月16日(金) 9:00 〜 10:50
座長:大石 公彦(東京慈恵会医科大学 小児科)、三宅 紀子(国立国際医療研究センター 研究所 疾患ゲノム研究部)

[S9-1]Clinical Cytogenetics in the Era of the 3D Genome

Cynthia C. Morton1, Ibrahim Alkuraya2, Abna Ajeesh2, Elijah Mena3, Rebecca Andersen4, Matthew Chau5, Zirui Dong5, Richard Choy5, Hila Romi2 (1.Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, 2.Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, USA, 3.Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, 4.Division of Genetics and Genomics, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, USA, 5.Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, HongKong, China)

[S9-2]Structural variants in the light of 3D genomics - how abnormal gene regulation can cause disease

Stefan Mundlos1,2 (1.Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany, 2.Charité, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany)

[S9-3]New aspects of numerical and structural alterations in human chromosomes

深見 真紀 (国立成育医療研究センター 分子内分泌研究部)