Presentation Information
[1G07]Development of Large-Scale Hydrogen Production Technology Utilizing Very High TemperatureDevelopment of Hot Gas Duct Coupling HTTR with Hydrogen Production Facility
*Kentaro Nagatsuka1, Naoki Mizuta1, Keisuke Morita1, Kaoru Kurahayashi1, Takanori Yasuda1, Hiroki Noguchi1, Yasunobu Nomoto1, Atsushi Shimizu1, Hiroyuki Sato1, Nariaki Sakaba1 (1. JAEA)
HTGR,Hydrogen Production,HTTR,HTTR Heat Application Test
HTTR heat application test plan was initiated to establish coupling technology with high safety and to develop necessary equipments to connect HTTR with hydrogen production facility. The presentation reports development plan and items of hot gas duct which is required for high efficient transportation of high temperature heat to hydrogen production facility. In particular, the presentation reports test results of thermal conductivity measurement and impurity gas release tests.
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