Presentation Information
[1H07]BF-GAN: Development of an AI-driven Bubbly Flow Image Generation Model Using Bubbly Generative Adversarial Networks
*WEN ZHOU1, Shuichiro Miwa1, Koji Okamoto1 (1. UTokyo)
Bubbly Flow,Physically Conditioned Deep Learning,Image Generation Model,Generative Adversarial Networks
A generative AI architecture called bubbly flow generative adversarial networks (BF-GAN) is developed, designed to generate realistic and high-quality bubbly flow images through physically conditioned inputs, jg and jf. 140,000 bubbly flow images with physical labels of jg and jf are collected for training data. A multi-scale loss function is then developed, incorporating mismatch loss and feature loss to enhance the generative performance of BF-GAN further. The comparative analysis demonstrate that the BF-GAN can generate realistic and high-quality bubbly flow images with any given jg and jf within the research scope, and these images align with physical properties.
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