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[1K02]Cement solidification/stabilization of 137Cs-adsorbed copper ferrocyanide for final disposal
*Tsuneki Ichikawa1,2, Takahito Yasukochi1, Kazuo Yamada2 (1. Hokkaido Univ., 2. NIES)
copper ferrocyanide,radiocesium,cement solidification,cation exchanger,contaminated fly ash
The leakage of 137Cs from thermally decomposed and cement-solidified copper ferrocyanide, used for ion-chromatographic elimination of 137Cs from water that was used for decontaminating 137Cs–enriched fly ash, into water was examined. Partially oxidized copper ferrocyanide showed Cs adsorbability in the solid, whereas fully oxidized one lost the adsorbability. However the leakage of Cs was suppressed by the addition of cation exchangers to the solid.
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