Presentation Information
[1M03]The reaction between cesium hydroxide and stainless steel oxidation products in a steam environment at 573K-773K
*XIN TAN1, Tatsuya Suzuki1, Kenta Murakami2 (1. Nagaoka Univ. of Tech., 2. UTokyo)
Cesium hydroxide,Metal oxides,Hygroscopicity,High temperature steam
This study investigates the reactions between cesium hydroxide (CsOH) and stainless steel oxidation products, magnetite (Fe3O4) and chromia (Cr2O3) in argon and argon-steam environments at 573K-773K. CsOH·H2O and Fe3O4 or Cr2O3 powders were mixed and formed into cylindrical pellets, then pellets were heated under specified conditions. Post-test analyses included weight change, elemental distribution, and crystal phases. Results showed that the reactions between CsOH and Fe3O4 produced identical phases regardless of temperature and atmosphere, with the highest reaction rate around 673K and less hygroscopicity compared to CsOH. In contrast, reactions between cesium hydroxide and Cr2O3 resulted in similar appearances across different conditions and still exhibited high hygroscopicity.
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