Presentation Information

[1M10]Investigation on Fuel Cycle based on Actinide Management Towards Sustainable Use of Nuclear Energy(1) Challenges of LWR fuel cycle and Research Overview

*Tomoo Yamamura1, Takashi Shimada1,3, Tomohiro Okamura2, Masahiko Nakase2, Kenji Takeshita2, Yuki Konishi4, Keisuke Nishimura4, Taisuke Tsukamoto4, Hitomi Ishida4, Yasutoshi Ban5 (1. Kyoto Univ., 2. Tokyo Tech, 3. MFBR, 4. MHI, 5. JAEA)


Actinide management,Pu-fissile ratio,MA Separation,MA temporary storage,Geological disposal

Towards a sustainable society, there is a global need to ensure both the energy needed for stability and development and to make society carbon neutral. This presentation summarises the challenges to achieve sustainable nuclear energy use and describes a fuel cycle with actinide management as a countermeasure.


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