Presentation Information
[1O08]Development of ultra-high temperature in-situ observation technique for nuclear fuel(3) Development of simultaneous XAFS-XRD measurement system
*Tohru Kobayashi1, Tsuyoshi Yaita1, Hajime Tanida1, Masaaki Kobata1, Tatsuo Fukuda1, Ayumi Itoh2, Kenji Konashi3, Yuji Arita4 (1. Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2. Tokyo Institute of Technology, 3. Tohoku University, 4. University of Fukui)
XAFS,XRD,Synchrotron Radiation,high temperature reaction
XAFS-XRD simultaneous measurement system to observe the reactions of nuclear fuel under ultra-high temperatures was developed. In this presentation, we will introduce the overview and performance of the measurement system installed at JAEA beamline BL22XU of SPring-8. We will also report the results of the simultaneous measurement of Zr and Y-K edge XAFS spectra and X-ray diffraction pattern of Zr-Y2O3 mixture under ultra-high temperature by using the heating equipment reported in series presentation (2).
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