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[1O09]Development of ultra-high temperature in-situ observation technique for nuclear fuel(4) Analysis of transient state during Zr-Y2O3 test at high temperatures
*Ayumi Itoh1, Tuyoshi Yaita4, Hajime Tanida4, Thoru Kobayashi4, Tatsuo Fukuda4, Masaaki Kobata4, Kenji Konashi2, Yuji Arita3 (1. Tokyo Tech, 2. Tohoku Univ., 3. Fukui Univ., 4. JAEA)
XAFS-XRD,structual analysis,high-temperature Zr reaction
Structural change for temperature ranges from 300 K to above 2500 K was analyzed using the XAFS spectra and diffraction images taken by the in-situ high-temperature measurement system reported in Series 2 and 3. It was confirmed that metallic Zr was transformed to zirconia by residual oxygen inside the reactor, and YZrO solid solution formed by zirconia-yttria reaction above 2000 K. Consequently, we demonstrated that structural analysis at elevated temperatures is possible from the data obtained by the developed system.
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