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[2A11]Discussion on the Standardization of Shielding Material focusing on Shielding Concrete (25)Correction methods of standard composition
*Koichi Okuno1, Mikihiro Nakata2, Masahiro Taniguchi3, Toshinobu Maenaka4, Koji Ohishi5, Masahiro Yoshida6, Toshio Amano7 (1. Hazama-Ando, 2. MHI NDC, 3. Taisei Corp., 4. Takenaka Corp., 5. JER, 6. Nustec, 7. CTC)
Concrete,material composition,AESJ standards
A working group of Standards Committee in Atomic Energy Society of Japan has been discussing standard material compositions of concrete for shielding calculations.The concept and correction method for standard concrete water contents and density are proposed.
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