Presentation Information
[2A13]Measurements of thermal neutron sacattering cross-section for mixtures of light and heavy water
*Takafumi Tsujimoto1,2, Masahide Harada1, Yutaka Abe3, Atsushi Kimura1, Shunsuke Endo1, Kenichi Oikawa1, Yusuke Tsuchikawa1, Seiko Kawamura1, Yasuhiro Inamura1 (1. JAEA, 2. Tohoku Univ., 3. Kyoto Univ.)
Thermal neutron scattering cross-section,Accelerator-driven neutron source,J-PARC
As basic data for development of accelerator-driven neutron sources, total cross-section, capture cross-section and scattering cross-section of thermal neutrons for mixtures of light water and heavy water at room temperature were measured at neutron instruments in J-PARC. The experimental data and calculation data by molecular dynamics were generally good agreement.
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