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[2A15]The measurements of the intensity of fast neutrons by using 3He detector at Kyoto University Accelerator-driven Neutron Source (KUANS), a compact neutron source.
*Mizuki Iriyama1, Seiji Tasaki1, Yutaka Abe1 (1. Kyoto Univ.)
fast neutrons,compact neutron source,PHITS
Focusing on the advantage of the compact neutron source that samples can be placed very close to the target, in this study we evaluated the intensity of fast neutrons of Kyoto University Accelerator-driven Neutron Source (KUANS), a small neutron source. In our measurements, we counted the number of fast neutrons by arranging the BPE collimator, Cd plate, PE block and 3He detector in this order at the upstream part of KUANS where moderators are not placed.
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