Presentation Information
[2B02]Metallurgical study on corrosion of 304 stainless steel accelerated by electromigration in liquid metal pool
*Humam -1, Susumu Hatakeyama1, Masatoshi Kondo1 (1. Tokyo Tech)
Liquid metal,Electromigration,Corrosion,Grain boundary dissolution,Precipitation
Liquid metal applications for liquid breeder blanket and divertor of fusion reactors are being studied. Electrical current flow in liquid metal pool can cause electromigration, which can accelerate the dissolution type corrosion of structural materials and mass transfer of dissolved elements. The effect of electromigration on the corrosion behavior in liquid Pb pool was studied by electromigration test with 304 stainless steel specimens at 773 K for 250 hours. The tested specimens were analyzed using SEM/EDX and STEM analysis. The results indicated that intergranular dissolution corrosion was promoted by electromigration on the surface of the electron receiver side, forming dimple-like patterns. Precipitations of dissolved elements and impurities were formed on the electron influx side as a consequence of the electromigration effect.
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