Presentation Information
[2B12]Fabrication and characterization of magnesium oxide coating by magnetron sputtering
*Kiichi Yokoyama1, Yuka Shimizu1, Tetsuma Ito1, Kosuke Okubo1, Teruya Tanaka2, Wataru Inami1, Yoshimasa Kawata1, Takumi Chikada1 (1. Shizuoka Univ., 2. NIFS)
Tritium,Permeation,Coating,Magnesium oxide
Investigations on functional coatings using ceramics have progressed to commercialize fusion reactor liquid blanket systems and shown a high hydrogen isotope permeation reduction and compatibility with tritium breeders. Among various coating candidate materials, magnesium oxide has been investigated for electrical insulation properties due to its excellent electrical properties and thermodynamic stability. However, the hydrogen isotope permeation behavior and compatibility with tritium breeders have not been clarified. In this presentation, we report fabrication and characterization of magnesium oxide coatings by magnetron sputtering.
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