Presentation Information

[2C08]Investigation on distribution of radioactive substances in Fukushima(3) Effect of thinning on soil environment and Cs-137 dynamics in cedar forests

*Shuta Shimada1, Jyunko Takahashi1, Yuichi Onda1 (1. University of Tsukuba)


Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident,thinning,decontamination of forests

It has been suggested that thinning may reduce air dose rates in forests by downward migration of Cs-137 remaining in the soil surface layer. This mechanism is thought to be influenced by the increase in solar radiation and rainfall infiltration due to thinning, and the change in the forest floor environment is thought to promote the downward migration of Cs-137. In this study, we examine the effects of thinning on forest floor soil and Cs-137 dynamics using solar radiation meters, soil thermometers, and soil moisture meters installed in thinned areas and control areas at Iitate-mura, and Fuyusumi, Minamisoma City, Fukushima Prefecture.


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